Wild Planet Revisited

One of the most extraordinary and in-depth pieces of music journalism, the “Wild Planet” series of articles was written by Dave Henderson and published in the UK weekly music newspaper “Sounds” in May 1983 and periodically for the next 2 years.

Charting in great detail the rise of an independent sector (it was much wider than a ‘movement’) of d-i-y experimental and avant garde music and sound sculpture, the series had a worldwide perspective, and opened many people’s eyes to the vast array of sound artists that were beavering away in their own backyards without any media coverage. I can honestly say it was probably the major influence on the creation of the Encyclopaedia Electronica archive.

As such, I hold this work in great regard, and thought it would be interesting to try and revisit those artists’ work and careers now, some 36 years on, utilising the resources of the archive and the wider internet. Hence the Wild Planet “Revisited”…

I’ll be posting the original articles, page by page, and then taking a more in-depth look at each in the intervening years.


Wild Planet P1-0170



Posted in Uncategorized, Wild Planet.